Saturday, November 14, 2009
Welcome November
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Celebration of United Nation with the theme: Voices for Human Rights
Hundreds of students joined the United Nations Day Celebration of Glicerio L. Dondoy Central Elementary School last Friday, October 23, 2009. Parents and visitors were their to witness the momentous event of the Search for Mr. and Ms. United Nation. Every time we celebrate we have fond memories to speak out, educational, entertaining, engaging and meaningful activities. Students may come from different cultural backgrounds and traditions but they are unified in promoting peace and celebrating their cultural differences in their multi-cultural schools.
The program started with flag ceremony and a parade of national flags with their national costumes involving all GLDCES students from preschool to Grade VI and accompanied by the drum and bugle corps. After the parade, the Search for Mr. and Ms. United Nation started with an invocation performed by selected candidates in different nations with the song “You raised me UP”.
This year’s theme was “Voices for Human Rights. GLDCES District Coordinating Principal at the same time Principal II gave her inspirational message stated that the celebrations renewed their pledge to sustain peace and harmony while preserve their cultural heritage. She emphasized the rights of every child. The values of every Filipino remain and let the students to be respectful, informed and appreciative of the different cultures and traditions through the world. According to her, living in our country is an obvious way to help broaden our minds and experiences. Being at a school with so much diversity provides all of us with an even richer experience while performing the best in our abilities. The message of our District Coordinating Principal makes us proud how Filipinos are and the hopes of every nation is to live peacefully and build a camaraderie, explore, expose and express of what is the right of every nation. Hence, help remind all of us that our support has the power to shape young lives and build bright futures.
The highlight of the celebration was the modeling of candidates of every grade level they were very eager and excited to ramp in the stage and perform their best to win the pageant. The pageants started with sports attire, followed by the national costume. The panel of judges decided to chose the best in sports, best in modeling and best in national costume in every grade level.
We are also grateful that our Division Supervisors Mrs. Marissa Jayoma, Dr. Catherine Villaflores and PTA President Hon.James Darunday at the same time barangay councilor were their to witness the said event. .
The program will not be completed without closing it. The Hekasi Coordinator Ms. Analyn C. Aquino expresses her heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the sponsors who in one way or the other supported the said event.
The winners were awarded with trophies and candies from different Donors.
We would like to thanks also to the generous donors, teachers, students and parents who assisted on the preparation of this activity.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Parenting is a very difficult but also very enjoyable that may happened to our life.
A man with mental disorder needs so much attention, but Sam is different. He takes care of his daughter when his wife abandoned them. When I saw this movie tears fell down on my eyes and my heart felt like it was cut by a knife. Raising a child is not easy especially in the condition of Sam who has an intellectual equivalency of 7.How can he manage and take care of his daughter if his situation is dire?
The movie is very inspiring. I would like to share this to all that we are not deprived of achieving what our heart truly desires. I also found out that even if Sam has disabilities he should not be given special treatment and should be treated as you would treat others. Once again it made me cry, it made me realize that whatever our parents are, we should love them the way they love us despite of all the challenges that God gave to us. I realize that every tick of the clock and every breath that we take is significant. I must say that we should value the rights of individual and respect each other’s life.I will take this opportunity to address this story to those who abandoned their children.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
September ends
I am thankful then because September month is also the birthday of Mama Mary and it is also my birthday.Another year had pass and I think I can feel now that I am grown maturely hehehe. I can even handle such situation in the classroom.
September also is my luckiest month as of the moment heheheh because my students won the Science and Math Quizbee and they got 1st and 2nd respectively.I am so proud as a coach even we have a short time to review. And we also got 1st rank on District Level on STEP (EPP) in encoding. I cant imagine why we won hehhe,I teach the student a hands on experience on how to use the computer and take note we practice only two days prior to the contest hehehe but still we won.
This month also is the Division level of Science and Math Quizbee but unfortunately we never won but atleast we've tried our best. For me they are already winners.Maybe I just need to work harder as a coach.
And Lastly, the most saddened part of this month is the Tropical Storm that attacts on NCR which brought them a very catastrophic and disastrous life. Many were missing and also died on this Tropical Storm Ondoy.As I said in my facebook, maybe this is the vengeance of our nature because of our brutal deeds and we keep on destroying our mother nature. And recently, epedimic already started to the people who affected of flood. Many are suffering of fever, vomiting and Lbm hahay. All we can do is offer a prayer for them.
I am still thankful because Filipino are united and shared their love and kindness to the victims. We must pray that this catastrophic incident will not again happen on the next month. Godbless us all..This is how September ends.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Grade V quizzers strike 64 students
Monday, August 10, 2009
Unethical Manners
Saturday, July 11, 2009
2nd EB Party "Digos Dalnet"

After my class last Saturday June 4, 2009, I immediately went to Digos for our 2nd EB Party "Digos Dalnet". I am so excited to see my friends on Cyber... The party started at 9:00pm. We were busy having chit chat with my long lost friends. Thanks to Tiger^Look or Tita Dolls for initiating this kind of socialization.The party was very fun, we laugh, we dance, and most of all we eat and eat..
About my Report on ED.401
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Welcome July
Saturday, May 30, 2009
fever and cough attacks us
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
MOving Forward
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
SA letrang I para sa ABRIL
Og kani pina ka importante sa kinabuhi sa dalaga ang maminyo,,, finally ako manang naminyo ra jud ...........................Inig human sa ceremonias naa man jud nay pa hulagway mao ni mga Ig-agaw kuyog ang bago kinasal
Sa letrang I, nag lagot jud ko sa mga Iro namo oi dili jud mogawas sa amo balay, cge sulod gawas sa amo balay,, lami kay ni ibaligya, dili lang na mao ang amo mga iro daghan pa jud kaayo,, naa nasad nanganak na itoy kaso dili nako ma picturan kay naa sa ilalom sa sakyanan hehhhehe...
Sa letrang I-----IRO
Nakita sad sa ko utol ang ilaga sa amo garahian dako dako sad baya,,,mao nag butang nasad mi hilo sa ilaga para di managhan kahadlok nalang jud..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Bisdak Entry ABRIL
Mga Higala mao kini ang Entry sa Bisdakplanet na pa contest....Ang Letra "B" Banig....Bililhon kay ni na hulagway kay gamay pako naa nani na banig hehehhe
Monday, April 13, 2009
Irritating Pimples and Scars
The reason why the pimples come and go because I have polycystic ovaries, and endometrios...Now I am taking Gracial Pills to regulate my hormones and it is anti-acne....I also take aldactone to control my hair growth in my body,, thanks God the medication is getting well...And my Ob-Gyne notice that my acne starts to Vanish...I really pray to God that what ever I feel now it will heal, because God loves me...
Thursday, April 09, 2009
A gift given by a very special Love
A Treasure
On my journey I always look for something new
A new thing that makes me happy
Sometimes I felt depressed because I found nothing
And turn myself into hopeless
As I kept moving on
I never think to turn back
Nor to quit
Although I knew I’m become weak
I never thought that on the next bend of the road
If found a treasure
A treasure that is so hard to reach
A treasure that I need to get and to be keep
I know it’s not easy to be there
I know that treasure it’s so hard to reach
I know ill take a lot of steps before I get it
I know it won’t be easy for me
But I need too
For all I know even I couldn’t get it
Even I know I can’t touch it
But I need to keep it on my mind
That treasure is price less
Not expensive like gold bars
But I need to keep it for the reason
That treasure is important for me
As a person
That’s why I will be keeping you forever
Because you are the greatest treasure I ever had.
I love you my…
Ang Binignit og Suman/Biko

Ngano daw pag Holy Week ang kasagaran lutoon Binignit daw or Biko? Ngano kaha sad nO? Kay sa bata pako mao na jud na ako na mat-an na ako mga ante, mga silingan, mga ka ila binignit jud ang lutoon? Lami pud baya no? tungod ba kay panagsa lang nato na lutoon? Kamo ngano kaha no Binignit man I prepare sa Holy Week aside sa mo penetensya og mag simba?
Unsaon pag luto sa BInignit? Dia ang mga sangkap og pamaagi unsaon pagluto.
1 pc white gabi (substitute cassava if available), cubed
1/2 cup sugar
2 pcs yellow camote (sweet potatoes), cubed
1/2 tsp salt
1 pc ubi (no substitute), cubed
4 tbsps landang or tapioca
4 pcs ripe cardaba (or semi-ripe plantain), sliced
2 cups coconut milk
1 cup coconut milk, diluted with water
1) Cook gabi, camote, ubi, and cardabang saging (or plantain bananas) in diluted coconut milk.
2) Add sugar, salt, and landang (or tapioca).
3) Simmer until all ingredients are tender and mixture is thick.
4) Add 2 cups coconut milk. Cook in medium heat.
5) Do not boil or liquid will curdle. Adjust amount of coconut milk to your available ingredients.
6) Serve hot.
A poem written by me
Stranger Shadow makes me a woman
I walk up in a nice dream
Wandering to another place
This place makes me lively
I never dreamt that one day
When I walk alone in a long and winding road
To seek my destiny
Destiny that completes me
And revive my sleeping affection
My life is better now when I saw a shadow
This shadow makes me gaze and makes me gay
My life is much better than today
And complete my day
Stranger shadow whipping me with such a sweet sound to my ear
I was confused until I saw this shadow
I feel like the shadow lifted me up high from the ground
I have not noticed that this shadow seem so ordinary before
But now I realized that this shadow makes me a woman
Oh, should I thank you?
You lifted me up when I am so wary and worry
I finally found that this stranger shadow is my angel
Angel that guarded me through thick and thin
And comforted me when I am in pain
To you my stranger shadow you make me a woman
Thank you Dear Shadow
Analyn C. Aquino
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Finally I can rest
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Moles' in Women's Face
only supreme being, knows

about what will happen to us. Enjoy searching the meaning..Goodluck!
1 Uncontrollable sexual lust
2 Bad luck to sister-in-laws
3 Bad luck to parents
4 Lack of assistance
5 Multiple marriagies
6 Bad luck to family
7 Bad luck to husband
8 Indulge in sexual lust
9 Prone to have trouble during childbirth
10 Prone to accident when traveling
11 Happy marriage
12 Be guest
13 Luck
14 Fortune
15 Happy marriage
16 Respect and nobility
17 Indulge in sexual lust
18 Prone to be harmed
19 Good luck to your husband
20 Secure and stable life
21 Great wealth
22 Good luck to your husband
23 Misfortune
24 Blessing
25 Prone to accident with water
26 Good luck to junior female family members
27 Good luck to children
28 Good luck to husband's career
29 Prone to lose husband
30 Bad luck to husband
31 Good luck
32 Tears of sadness
33 Bad luck to children
34 Misfortune
35 Bad luck to husband
36 Prone to fire accident
37 Less furtile
38 Indulgy in sexual lust
39 Prone to gossip
40 Prone to be robbed
41 Longevity
42 Prone to self-harm
43 Prone to jealouse
44 Prone to accident with water
45 Low self-esteem
46 Bad luck to husband
47 Prone to give birth to twins
48 Low self-esteem
49 Prone to lose children
50 Prone to argument
51 Bad luck to husband
52 Longevity
53 Back luck to subordinates
54 Prone to accident with water
55 Lack of assets
56 Enjoyment of food
57 High intelligence
58 Rich assets
59 Prone to accident with water
60 Ill health
61 Short of money
62 Secure and abundant life
63 Filial piety
64 High intelligence
65 Good husband
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Its vacation time
Though I am happy because we have 2 months vacation, truly I will miss them especially it's my first year of teaching....Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!I survived...Thanks God...........
This vacation I am planning to have a business atleast I have some extra money.......To all readers, I need decent part-time job just contact me here..Thank You...
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Wow I won
10TH Prize: 5,000 EC - Winner - Minds are like parachutes
1000 EC - Programming The Life
1000 EC - Guilty Pleasures
1000 EC - My Point Of View
1000 EC - Ivory Tasks
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Shopping
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - iLUVcontest
125x125 ad worth $15 1 month - Blazing Minds
* Work At Home Job
MY 7 DAYS bedrest
Monday, March 02, 2009
I have endometriosis and PCO
Just this February 24, I visited my obgyne because I felt pain already in body I don't know, it was found out that I have a ENDUMETRIOSIS aside from the polycystics ovaries, I need to have another Transrectal wohoooo so painful....tsk tsktsk............But my two doctors promise that since it just a small sign of endumetriosis it is not necessary to undergo surgery...
In the meantime my ob gave me a pain reliever because the first step to do is to treat my polycystic before we treated the endumetriosis...My doctors gave me this following medicines..
1. Gracial pills for 3 months
2. Metformin 500 mg
3. Spironolactone/aldactone 50mg
I just hope that GOd will guide me always, everything will be ok.......
Please pray for me....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Valentine Treat
Saturday, February 07, 2009
To end it up
Monday, February 02, 2009
Spread the Love Giveaways

February is what we called Love month. An online friend has initiated a contest called " Spread the Love Giveaways" in celebration of Valentines day. This is the time that you will treat your online friends by joining on the said contest.
Momgen, organized this contest to make us one.So write your messages here and pour your feelings out for the love of your life
So I am inviting everyone to join the contest which I think serves as an inspiration to us, and to share our thoughts and feelings by Spread the Love Giveaways in this month of love..Give love on Valentines Season. To find out more of the mechanics and how to join,pls.visit Wonderful Things in Life.
You can glimse on the prizes, rest assured that you'l enjoyl it..Goodluck
Ist Prize: $30 + 20,500 EC
* Blog Hosting for 1 year - SEO Friendly Blog Directory
* Custom Banner Design - Buy Templates - worth $99
$10 + 500 EC - The Pride Of Hingotanan Bohol
$10 + 500 EC - Things I did Not Know Before
$10 + 500 EC - Unique Ideas For Your Beach Wedding
5000 EC - Whatever Comes To My Mind
2500 EC - Merydith's Place
4000 EC + 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Wonderful Things In Life
5000 EC + 125x125 ad space for 1 month - My Life's Adventure
2500 EC + 125x125 ad space for 1 year - Hidden Gems from Untold Treasures
3 PR4 backlink for 1 month plus 2 125x125 banner for 1 month - Online Games
* Nita's Random Thoughts
* Bohol Paradise
2nd Prize: $20 + 19,000 EC
* 20GB Web Hosting for 1 year plus 500EC -
* Custom Banner Design - Buy Templates - worth $99
$10 - Online Games
$5 + 1000 EC - Everything Under the Sun
$5 + 1000 EC - Opinion Pinoy
6000 EC - So Cute
3000 EC - The Holley Herald
1000 EC - Moolah Musings
5000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Show Me Your Interest **
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - I Make Money Online
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - nameSherry
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Life's Journey
* Thomas Web Links
* Arts and Entertainment Center
3rd Prize: $15 + 14,000 EC
* Domain for 1 year - Life's Journey
* 1 Custom Logo Design from Logo Angel - worth $99
$5 + 500 EC - Spices of Life
$5 - Joro Livelihood
$5 - My Little Home
3000 EC - Unwakeable
2500 EC - History And Travel
2000 EC - Escape Games
1000 EC - Blessings and Beyond
1000 EC - Pink Thoughts
2000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - e-Pamilya
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Bryan Karl
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - PrettyStepDaughters
125x125 ad space for 1 month - The Designers Blog
* Thomas Travel Tales
* Great Finds and Deals
4rth Prize: $10 + 12,000 EC
* Domain for 1 year - Pinay Mommy Online
* Wordpress Template from Buy Templates - worth $60
$5 - Love in Distance
$5 + 1000 EC - Cooking's fun
2000 EC - Learn, Love, and Laugh Thru Blogging
2000 EC - A Moment To Exhale
2000 EC - Anything Goes
2000 EC - Digital Scrapbook Freebies
1000 EC - The Ruby Posts
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Denise's Tips and More
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Blogs Contests
500 EC plus text links for 1 month - Chronic Chick Talk
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Love Is The Perfect Gift
* Batuananons
* (worth $10)PinayJadeDotCom
5TH Prize: $5 + 10,000 EC
* Wordpress Template from Buy Templates - worth $60
$5 - Wonderful Things In Life
2000 EC -My Online Paradise
2000 EC - Colorful World
2000 EC - Cyber-Pchi
1000 EC - Mommy Emotes
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Blessings In Life
1000 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Jobs In Davao
1000 Ec plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Just A Personal Blog
125x125 ad space for 1 month - The Joy Of Life Forever
* Nita's Corner
* Onine Giveaway Contest Directory
6TH Prize: 9,000 EC
* Blog Makeover - The Designers Blog
3000 EC - LadyJava's Lounge
2000 Ec - Aha Mama!
1500 EC -
1000 EC - IndoContest
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Dashing Beauty
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Kharlota dot Com
125x125 ad space for 1 month - The Fountain Of Happiness
* Healthy Living and Lifestyle
* PR1
7TH Prize: 8,000 EC
* Header design - SimplyWP
1000 EC - i LUV Contests
1000 EC - Posh Thoughts
1000 EC - Mary Anne's Musing
1000 EC - The Designer Chic
1000 EC - Made To Worship
1000 EC - Blog Tips and Tools Kit
1000 EC - My Daily Discourse
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Live Love Pink
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Lovely Pink
125x125 ad space for 1 month - MeiYah's Random Thoughts
8TH Prize: 7,000 EC
* Body Butter (50ml) with free shipping - All Natural Cosmetics
1000 EC - Rapid Shoots
1000 EC - Multidimension
1000 EC - Pinoy Blogger in Singapore
1000 EC - Pinoy Showbiz and Hollywood News
1000 EC - Make Money Online With Makoy
1000 EC - Makoy Pinoy Blogger
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Beauty Of Life
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Starts At two
125x125 ad space for 1 month - A Message From My Heart
* Filipino Online Community
9TH Prize: 6,000 EC
* Blog makeover - Femikey Designs
1000 Ec - Honeysweet Learning Center
1000 EC - Vsk8shop
1000 EC - Empowered Mom
1000 EC - Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
1000 EC - My Rendezvous
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Money Maker
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Tere's World
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Pinaymama's Diary
* Erlinda's Wandering Thoughts
10TH Prize: 5,000 EC
1000 EC - Programming The Life
1000 EC - Guilty Pleasures
1000 EC - My Point Of View
1000 EC - Ivory Tasks
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - Shopping
500 EC plus 125x125 ad space for 1 month - iLUVcontest
125x125 ad worth $15 1 month - Blazing Minds
* Work At Home Jobs
Consolation Prizes:
1. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - Twins Happpiness
500 EC - Love's Haven
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Another Contest
2. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC -
500 EC - There Is Happiness
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Sherry Contest
3. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - Scandals Prime dot COM
500 EC - Blogger Templates
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Sherry Rambling
4. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - The Pinay Blogger
500 EC - Heart Random
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Also Mommy
5. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - Crafty Pinay
500 EC - Musings of a Vicks Inhaling Man
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Simple Life, Simple Me
6. 1,000 EC + ad space
500 EC - Wiehanne Lounge
500 EC - Asks Ms Recipe
125x125 ad space for 1 month - I Love/Hate America
7. 800 EC + ad space
500 EC - Medan Daily
300 EC - Euroangel Graffiti
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Only In Silence
8. 600 EC + ad space
300 EC - Travel And Discover USA
300 EC - The World Wide We Addict
125x125 ad space for 1 month - Life Expressions
9. 300 EC + ad space
300 EC - My Daily Nourishment
125x125 ad space for 1 month - This Is So Me
10. 300 EC + ad space
300 EC - Travel And Explore Germany
125x125 ad space for 1 month - PhotoMIAHgraphy
-> 1 book - My Funny Dad, Harry - Sherry Contest
-> Semi-solid light red toddler hat, fits approx 2t-4t - John Doro
-> 1 Bungalow Brand Dress worth $65 - size 6 - Wonderful Things In Life
-> 1 Ashley Judd Bingo Shoes worth $40 - size 8.5 - My Life's Adventure
-> 1 Web color Expert Book worth 19.95 - The Joy Of Life Forever
-> 1 Web animation Expert book worth $24.95 - The Fountain Of Happiness
-> 1 God's Promises for Your Every Need Book worth $14.99 - A Message Of My Heart
-> 3 Sets of blank note cards - Love Is A Perfect Gift
-> 1 Hanes long sleeve crew neck solid color pink - Life's Journey
-> Mary Kay products worth $25 (perfume) - Filipina Stories