Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September ends

This month many things are happen. September ends with so much problems and dilemma. Even my self experiencing so much problems and very stiff schedule. I can only rest one day and that is Sunday. To much pressure at my work and as well as in my class during Saturday.

I am thankful then because September month is also the birthday of Mama Mary and it is also my birthday.Another year had pass and I think I can feel now that I am grown maturely hehehe. I can even handle such situation in the classroom.

September also is my luckiest month as of the moment heheheh because my students won the Science and Math Quizbee and they got 1st and 2nd respectively.I am so proud as a coach even we have a short time to review. And we also got 1st rank on District Level on STEP (EPP) in encoding. I cant imagine why we won hehhe,I teach the student a hands on experience on how to use the computer and take note we practice only two days prior to the contest hehehe but still we won.

This month also is the Division level of Science and Math Quizbee but unfortunately we never won but atleast we've tried our best. For me they are already winners.Maybe I just need to work harder as a coach.

And Lastly, the most saddened part of this month is the Tropical Storm that attacts on NCR which brought them a very catastrophic and disastrous life. Many were missing and also died on this Tropical Storm Ondoy.As I said in my facebook, maybe this is the vengeance of our nature because of our brutal deeds and we keep on destroying our mother nature. And recently, epedimic already started to the people who affected of flood. Many are suffering of fever, vomiting and Lbm hahay. All we can do is offer a prayer for them.

I am still thankful because Filipino are united and shared their love and kindness to the victims. We must pray that this catastrophic incident will not again happen on the next month. Godbless us all..This is how September ends.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Grade V quizzers strike 64 students

Yesterday we had a Math and Science Quizbee, there were 24 schools in Panabo South District who joined in the said activity. We had our visitors ES -Science Mrs. Gelia PUeblo ,ES- Math Mr Alen Macabulos and Filipino ES Mrs.ElviraObeso. They were their to monitor. As coaches in our school we felt pressure because we are the central school. We work hard and prepared a lot of reviewers so that we may able to hit the mark. Thank God, all our participants from Grades III-VI in Science WON FIRST..... yeheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....... I will attach the pictures as soon as I have the memory card